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What Types of Seals Are In My Car?

Cliff • May 28, 2020

You might be surprised at the places you’ll find seals like the ones we design and manufacture at Eclipse Engineering . Our seals are used in planes, trains, and yes, you guessed it — automobiles .

Eclipse specializes in manufacturing seals that can withstand extreme temperatures and environments, which is a critical capability when it comes to the countless mechanical operations we rely on everyday, especially in the inner workings of our cars.

Seals help keep everything in your car in working order, from the mechanisms under your hood to your wheels and trunk. They also prevent leakage, keeping oil, coolant, and gas in your car so you can make it safely from point A to point B. 

And there are even seals around your doors and windows to keep the rain, snow, and cold (or hot) air out, helping to maintain the interior comfort of your car.

Let’s take a deeper dive into some of the parts of your car where seals make all the difference.


Without a doubt, the engine is the most important part of any car. It’s the heart of the automobile, and seals are critical in keeping it running reliably.

Seals are used throughout the engine to keep oil where it’s supposed to be and to protect the inner workings of the engine from dirt and debris, all of which are in plentiful supply on the road.

These seals are specialized to be able to withstand the extreme temperatures and conditions encountered inside of an engine, allowing them to function as expected for hundreds or even thousands of hours of driving.

Engine Control Unit

In modern vehicles, seals can be found in the engine control unit (ECU) that sits on the fender and provides information to a car’s fuel and ignition system.

The ECU is connected to sensors that tell it how the engine is performing. It uses that data to automatically drive actuators to optimize performance. Some ECUs also control the fuel injection system. Without seals to keep ECUs in clean and working order, our cars would be much less efficient.

Internal System Motors

All the internal systems motors in your car use seals. This includes the vacuum motors that open and close vents, as well as those that make your windshield wiper motors move.

The motors that roll your windows up and down also have seals installed to keep dirt and moisture out, and grease or oil in.

Doors, Hood and Trunk

In the door frame on each of your car’s doors, there are a number of seals designed to keep the elements out and to help keep the car dry and warm.

There are also seals in the lift cylinders for the hood and rear hatch or trunk to keep them sealed and to allow for ease of opening and closing. Otherwise, your trunk hatch would be very difficult to hold open, and it would slam down every time you release it.

Drive Train and Exhaust System

Your car’s drive train relies on seals in the water pump shaft seal, the head gasket, the gaskets that keep fluids in the oil pan gasket, and the final drive shaft crank seal.

All these seals see a variety of temperature changes, from extreme cold to above 300+ Fahrenheit. We even have seals in the joints of our exhaust system, which seal up as the temperature rises.


The transmission is one of the most important parts of any car. It’s what controls the power that is delivered to the wheels so that your car actually drives at the speed you want it to.

A transmission is full of gears, and those gears need to stay well-oiled. This is where seals come in. The transmission has a myriad of seals that hold oil in, allowing the system to build pressure, which in turn helps shift the transmission through the gears.

Wheels and Shaft

A car isn’t a car without wheels, and wheels don’t turn without shafts. Whether it’s the half shafts that drive the front wheels or the drive shaft that controls the differential that turns the rear wheels, the shafts in your car use rotary and static seals to keep oil in and debris from the road out.


A car is all about getting to where you’re going, but once you get there, you’d probably like to stop. Hence, brakes.

Today’s modern braking systems have seals in the anti-lock valves to prevent skidding. There are also seals in the brake valve that transfers the pedal motion when bringing the vehicle to a complete stop.

The brake caliper also has seals to maintain the oil within the brake, along with grease seals that keep road dirt out of the system.

Power Steering System

Without power steering, controlling a car would be very difficult. Basically, your power steering system helps you out by adding additional power, so that when you gently turn the steering wheel, the wheels on your car turn in response. Otherwise, you’d have to put a lot of elbow grease into maneuvering your vehicle.

Needless to say, power steering is a pretty important feature, and it’s a system that relies on seals. Power steering systems have a pump and cylinders, all which use seals to maintain pressure while making our steering sensitive to varying speeds.


Both passive and active suspension systems use dynamic and static seals to help keep oil in. What’s the difference between dynamic and static seals, though?

A static seal is a seal that is between two surfaces that do not move in relation to each other, while a dynamic is one that is used between surfaces that do move in relation to each other. Both are incredibly important in the functioning of your car’s suspension.


The batteries in your car contain seals to maintain a constant environment. This is critical in keeping the batteries internal temperature under control to ensure a long recharging life. Without seals, you’d be changing your battery a lot more than you have to now, which would be both expensive and inconvenient.

Electric Cars

Electric cars use seals to protect the motor from dirt. Rotary seals keep grease in the bearings, while keeping dirt out.

You’ll find that electric vehicles use seals in their power steering systems as well, utilizing fluid that helps make steering easier.

The Future Of Seals In Our Automobiles

Cars are becoming more and more complicated every day. We have cars that will brake for you when they sense an object in the road, that will help prevent collisions while driving, will parallel park for you, and even do all the driving for you.

These kinds of features will only become more commonplace in the future, and it won’t be long before driverless cars are a regular sight on the highways and byways of the world.

All of these innovations require devices that rely on seals to function. So regardless of the type of car or the propulsion device, seals will not only remain an integral part of keeping vehicles running, they’ll become more important than ever.

But seals aren’t just relied on in cars, planes, and big industrial equipment. They live all over the place, even in your own home.

By Doug Montgomery February 13, 2025
Learn how Eclipse Seal’s custom spring energized ball seats with angled grooves improve performance
By Doug Montgomery January 17, 2025
Eclipse deals regularly with challenging sealing applications from all industries. High pressures and speeds create unique sets of conditions where seal design and material properties are pushed to the limit. While reciprocating applications can certainly test seals to the edge of capability, often times rotary applications can present the greatest challenge to seal integrity and wear life. Unlike reciprocating configurations where the seal is acting on a different part of the shaft or bore throughout it’s operating range, rotary seals must operate on the same sealing area continuously. This makes things like heat rejection much more difficult, especially in unlubricated or dry running applications. Extreme localized heating can have negative affect on both seal and hardware life. Rotary applications also pose sealing difficulties due to the simple fact that surface speeds can be much higher than in reciprocating systems. A simple electric motor can operate at very high rpm, while long stroke, high speed reciprocating machinery is a major piece of equipment that is far less common (though Eclipse also has sealing solutions in a number of these situations). A customer approached Eclipse with an application that was beyond the scope and capability of any standard, off-the-shelf rotary seal. This sealing system would require a combination of both wear resistance in high-speed rotary, as well as excellent leakage control and sealability. Two factors that, more often than not, work in opposition to each other. The Customer Issue The customer was developing a test system that required an electric motor shaft passed through the wall of a large vacuum chamber. The testing apparatus needed a sizable motor to meet the speed and torque requirements. Adapting the motor to operate inside the chamber would not be practical due to contamination and motor cooling concerns. Therefore, the motor would have to be placed outside the chamber and a driveshaft would have to go through the chamber wall. Which, of course, would need a seal. Operating Conditions:
 Rotary Shaft Seal
 Shaft Diameter: 2.5”
 RPM: 7,500 RPM - unlubricated
 Pressure: Vacuum internal side / 1 ATM external side Temperature: 40° - 90°F The customer knew any kind of off-the-shelf rotary seal with a rubber element would not last any amount of time in the combination of speed and a dry running condition. They also knew a single lip PTFE seal would likely not meet their leakage requirements. Therefore, they turned Eclipse for a custom sealing solution.
By Doug Montgomery November 25, 2024
Eclipse has engineered sealing solutions for applications all over the planet and in a plethora of environments. From the bottom of the ocean to orbiting the earth, Eclipse is challenged by the unique conditions in each application. Whether it be extreme temperature and pressure or severely caustic or abrasive media, Eclipse has a solution for most every sealing problem. One distinct environment presents a particularly challenging set of circumstances for seal design – high radiation. Eclipse’s primary seal material choice for many applications is PTFE and PTFE blends. With all the wonderful attributes PTFE possesses as a seal material, radiation resistance is not one. In high radiation environments PTFE’s properties can degrade to essentially rule it out as a suitable material. The options for effective sealing materials that are also radiation resistant becomes very limited. The seal designer is therefore confronted with creating a seal that is expected to perform in every way a typical PTFE seal operates, out of materials that are not as favorable to sealing. This is where Eclipse’s engineering experience and expertise in seal design come to the forefront. The Client's Issue Eclipse was approached by a customer that was looking for a seal solution for a sensor used in a nuclear application. It would be operating in an environment with both high temperature and high Gamma radiation. Operating Conditions:
 Reciprocating Rod Seal
 Rod Diameter: Ø1.000
 Stroke: 1.5”
Cycle Rate: 2-4 cycles per minute
 Media: Air, Salt Water Mist
 Pressure: 100 PSI
 Temperature: 70° to 450°F
 Gamma Radiation Exposure: 10^6 rads
By Doug Montgomery November 14, 2024
Technological advancements in the area of robotics have led to more and more life-like creations existing only in works of science fiction a few decades ago. Development in autonomous logic processing and sensing allows bipedal robots to walk over uneven ground, up and down stairs, open doors and carry loads. Fast response to dynamic and unpredictable real-world environments is critical for the future use of robots in true-life service and practical employment in the years to come. While software and sensor development remain the primary focus of most research, the physical mechanics of next-gen robotics are also continually progressing. Physical components and control systems such as hydraulic pumps and cylinders, servo motors, and structural members are under pressure to continually be lighter, stronger, more efficient and less expensive. Increased demands on the physical components facilitate the need for innovative solutions in design and material usage. Advancements in construction and technology have spilled into all areas of robotic mechanisms and the many seals located throughout the system need to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Eclipse has been at the forefront of this research and has developed innovative solutions pushing the boundaries of conventional sealing devices. MicroLip™ by Eclipse is a prime example of most demanding applications forging new technologies in the sealing world. The Client's Issue Eclipse was approached by a leading robotics company looking for a sealing solution operating under a challenging set of conditions. While many components of tomorrow’s robotics are now controlled and actuated by servo/stepper motors and various electronic devices, the heaviest and most powerful movements are still driven by traditional hydraulics. The constant demand for more powerful hydraulic actuation in ever deceasing size and weight requirements has put tremendous strain on component design. But if robots are to progress to the point where they are usefully employed in the world, high power in a compact design is necessary. A robot, for example, used to survey and assist in a disaster zone too unstable for normal rescuers, must fit through doorways and over obstacles yet still be physically strong enough to render assistance. Large hydraulic systems are capable of moving extremely heavy loads but size and weight constraints of a humanoid size robot limit potential. The robot’s internal power supply to drive all components is also a limiting factor. Our client was developing a new hydraulic pump to drive all major motion aspects of their robotic systems. Their main objective was to minimize the pump’s physical size as much as possible while increasing output and improving power consumption efficiency. This means higher pressures and speeds on increasingly smaller and lighter components. Application Parameters: Shaft Diameter: Ø9.5mm Seal Housing Envelope: 5mm radial cross-section by 6mm axial width Rotational Speed: 3,500 RPM nominally; 6,000 RPM max Operating Pressure: 125 PSI min, 225 PSI nominal, 350 PSI max Surface Finish: 0.04µm Media: Hydraulic Oil While the above combination of pressure and speed might present difficulties for any conventional seal alone, the client’s extremely small physical envelope to house the seal further complicated the matter. If that wasn’t enough, the application presented the additional sealing challenge of up to 0.003” [0.08mm] of shaft runout. As part of the downsizing of all components in the pump, shaft support bearings were minimized leading to the possibility of runout. The wobbling effect of the shaft creates problems as the sealing lip has follow a moving, uneven mating surface, therefore potential leak-paths are created. Wear life can also be compromised due to higher concentrations of uneven loads. The combination of high pressure, high speed, high runout and minimal gland size present a worst-case scenario for a typical seal. Unsurprisingly, the client faced leakage of hydraulic fluid after only short periods of service with any conventional seal they had tested. Eclipse knew the had the perfect solution for this application. One developed to handle such extreme rotary sealing conditions: MicroLip™.
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